It's official! Addison is gonna have a little SISTER!!! The little stinker had her legs crossed for the longest time and the ultrasound tech had to aggravate her to get her to spread her legs but when she did it was obvious there was no "hot dog" there and she is definitely a girl!

Above is a picture of her foot. She liked to show us her feet.

I think when the tech said its a girl you probably could have heard a pin drop in the room (which was full-there was Jason and Addison, Sherry aka Grammy(jasons mom), Aunt Steph (jasons sister) and my Mom aka Mamaw Joan). We were all in shock! My mom didnt really have a feeling either way boy or girl but the rest of us were "Sure" it was a boy!
We are all EXTREMELY excited to have another little girl!! Addison will love having a baby sister and this baby has already got the best big sister in the world! We are very thankful that God has chosen this child to be ours and amazed and what He does!
As far as a name goes we didn't have a name picked out before the ultrasound but as we were in the room waiting for the doctor to come in afterwards we discussed names and think we may have chosen one. We aren't 100% settled on it but right now we are considering
Ava Marie.
BTW, the baby is perfectly healthy and measuring right on schedule. The tech said she weighs about 12 ounces right now. She has ten fingers and ten toes and two arms and legs, and a perfect heartbeat. God is so GOOD!!