Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Almost Time

Pregnant Quote Graphics from

My due date is officially in 1 month! How fantastic is that?! We are soooo ready to meet little miss Ava Marie!!
After my doctor's appointment on Thurs. Nov 12, the doctor said she will definitely be born no later that Dec. 12th because of my gestational diabetes. So PRAISE THE LORD we know she will be here in less than 4 weeks! As any pregnant woman knows, the last month is the worst and the longest and you can't wait for the baby to be born. You can't sleep, can't get comfortable, you've got cankles and hideous stretch marks, you go to the bathroom what seems like every 30 minutes and you just feel like people look at you and think " What is Shamu doing waddling around here?"
But anyways at the doctors appointment they measured Ava by ultrasound and she is weighing in at about 5lbs 8oz-which is in the 27th percentile. Small but still healthy. Our doctor is not concerned about her small size one bit. He says that it seems that she has more of my genes than Jason's and is just genetically a smaller baby. As long as she is healthy thats perfectly fine with me! Not having to squeeze out another 8 pound baby is A-OK with me :-)
The doctor also checked to see if I was dilated any and I am dilated 1 cm but still not thinned out at all and baby is still very high. I've not had very many contractions but I am hoping I start getting more so that if I do have to be induced that I can have a pretty good head start and not be in labor for 16 hours again like I was with Addison.
Well as we get updates we will continue to post! Hopefully we will be meeting Ava very soon! Please keep our family in your prayers for a happy and healthy rest of the pregnancy and delivery!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog Address Will Be Changing




Sunday, November 1, 2009

Less than 6 weeks to go!

Saturday marked the 6 week countdown until Ava's due date and that realization really made my stomach tie in knots! I cannot believe that in 6 weeks or less Ava will be here! We are SOOO EXCITED and cannot wait but I still feel like I have a million things to do around the house and such to get ready for her arrival. Hopefully the nesting will kick in real good real soon and I can get the stuff done!

I have been going to the doctor every week for weekly monitoring of Ava to make sure we are both doing good because of the gestational diabetes. Every week we go and they do an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid and they also do a non stress test (just hooking me up to a fetal heart monitor for 20 minutes to evaluate Ava's heartbeat and to see if I am having any contractions). They measured her a couple of weeks ago and she was almost 4lbs. That was in the 30th percentile for her age but doctor said that was just fine and perfectly healthy. She will get another measurement at around 36 weeks. Her heart rate is looking fantastic according to the heart monitor and the doctor is really pleased at how well we are doing.

I am also going to a nutritionist every week or two so they can keep a good check on my diabetes and blood sugar readings. So far I am just having to take one insulin shot a day at breakfast but its getting harder and harder to control my sugar at random times with just diet. My body is just not doing well with this pregnancy as far as that goes. I go back to the nutritionist Monday and we will see if they up my insulin or just fuss at me for my diet lol. Either way Im fine with it. Less than 6 weeks and this whole diabetes thing will be over with! I am so ready for some REAL food! Like greasy cheeseburgers and fries, brownies and ice cream, and eating anything I want!!! :-)

Also with getting ready for a newborn we are planning Addison's 2nd birthday party and getting ready for Christmas. Addison has decided she wants to have a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday and is getting really excited about it.
We also just had her 2 year pictures made and they turned out AMAZING!!
Click HERE to see them! We were so pleased at how they turned out.

So thats it for now. We are staying extremely busy with baby prep, birthday prep and getting geared up for the holidays! Hope to post again real soon!