Wow I cannot believe that our sweet little Ava is 6 weeks old!! Where in the world has the time gone?? As I have sat here and pondered the last 6 weeks my memories seem to be in a sort of fog. Its been very VERY tiring and both physically and emotionally draining but also VERY VERY rewarding! I have had moments when I wanted to pull my hair out and scream and moments where all I can do is cry, but I've had more times when I've smiled and laughed at the beauty and wonder that are our two girls.

Ava is fiesty and has the most gorgeous dimples. She also has an unreal appetite. The girl weighed 10 lbs 2 oz at her 1 month check up! (She was technically 5 weeks at the appointment but still gaining over 3lbs in a month?LOL.) And Ava is already taking 4-5 oz at every feeding, which could be every 2 hours or every 3-3.5 hours. Just depends on her mood. Im tellin ya the girl is FIESTY and LOVES TO EAT! She is starting to smile a little more all the time and its one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen. When I am feeding her at 4 am and all I can think about is how bad I just want to lay down and sleep all Ava has to do is flash that cute little grin at me and I realize all over again why I love being a mommy. The lack of sleep is so worth it to have my 2 beautiful girls. Thats why I believe the Lord makes babies and kids so cute and adorable- to remind us that every ache and pain and all the sleep deprevation is ALL WORTH our children.
This video is Addison singing "Jesus Loves Me" to Ava.

Addison has been the BEST big sister these past few weeks! She absolutely adores and loves Ava! She is all the time talking to her and kissing her and just wanting to touch her. Addison tells her little sister all the time she loves her and she has even told Ava she missed her when Addison has left and comes back to the house. Addison is also in the middle of the TERRIBLE TWO'S! AAAHH!! She has a bad habit of talking back to mommy & daddy and gets in these HORRIBLE whiny phases! Now some of it at first was just in response to the new baby I am sure, but a lot of it is the terrible twos and her growing up. She has become more independent and plays in her room by herself more than she used to. All part of growing up. It makes me so sad and so proud at the same time to see her growing and learning and becoming so stinkin smart!
So to sum up the first 6 weeks as a family of four-exhausting, joyful, proud, excited, lots of smiles, kisses, hugs, and love!