Well its official...my babies are growing up...WAY TOO FAST!
Addison turned 3 on Nov.27th.

Really, my Addy G is 3 already???? Seems just like yesterday we were at the hospital, holding our precious baby girl for the very first time.

Really, my Addy G is 3 already???? Seems just like yesterday we were at the hospital, holding our precious baby girl for the very first time.
Ok lets move on before I start to puddle on the keyboard...
Addison had a Strawberry Shortcake theme birthday party at our church fellowship hall.

She really had a great birthday party celebrating with lots of friends and family and got lots of great gifts!

Ava turned 1 on Dec. 5th!!It's crazy to think its been a year since she was born on that snowy Saturday! That girl has been surprises from the VERY beginning!

Ava also had her birthday party at our church fellowship hall. It was an owl theme of "Look WHOOOO'S Turning One"!

I am so thankful for my beautiful, healthy baby girls! Sooo blessed to have the Lord give me them as my daughters!

Love the pictures! Hard to believe how fast kids grow, huh!? Hope you guys have a great new year!