Oh my goodness my sweet little Ava is 12 weeks old!! Its so hard to believe that it has been about 3 months since our sweet, fiesty little girl with gorgeous dimples came into this world! And sweet and fiesty is about the best words to describe Ava. She can light up the room with her sweet smile and absolutely make a scene with her fiesty temper. Ava will definitely let you know when she is upset! And until you figure out exactly whats wrong (dirty diaper, hungry, gassy) she will literally yell at you until you fix it! And its not just a little baby cry..its a LOUD scream that you can hardly believe comes from such a little body! If you dont believe me ask anyone who goes to Piney Grove Baptist Church.LOL. She goes from happy to mad in about .01 seconds! But thats part of what makes her so great-she has her own distinct personality. As far as stats go she is roughly 13lbs and about 22 inches long. I looked in Addison's baby book to see how much she weighed in comparison to Ava and Ava really out weighs her! At Ava's 2 mo. appointment she weighed 12lbs 7oz and Addison didnt even weighed 12lbs at 3 months! But Addison has been taller.
Ava is also absolutely IN LOVE with her big sister! Any time Addison is in the room playing or talking Ava is just mesmorized by her and keeps her eyes on Addison the whole time. When Addison talks to her little sister, Ava's eyes light up and a GINORMOUS smile comes across her face! Its one of the most precious sights in the the world!

Addison has been an EXCELLENT big sister so far! She will help mommy with Ava when Ava is crying and mommy is fixing a bottle or if Ava needs her paci or if she just needs a little bit of attention Addison is willing to help. About 95% of the time you couldnt ask for a better kid than Addison, but the other 5% of the time its the TERRIBLE WHINY TWOS!! Its unreal how whiny she can get sometimes!

We are also trying to potty train miss Addison and so far she has wanted NOTHING to do with it. I am going to really try hard in the next week or so to really get down to business with it. I am going by the Farmers Almanac to see when they say the best time to do it b/c we did that when we took her paci away and it worked beautifully. So hopefully I will have the patience and Addison will have the willingness to particpate. I know that if she's not willing then it probably wont work but Im gonna give it a go! Hopefully by this time next month there will be some potty training progress!!
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