Ava also loves her jumperoo! She has a great time jumping around in it!

Here are a few pictures of the last few months of Miss Ava.

Big news about Addison--SHE NOW USES THE POTTY LIKE A BIG GIRL!! Big woot woot for Addison!!! We are so very proud of her! She has been going potty every time she needed to pee pee or poo poo for a couple of weeks now! Its like she just woke up one morning and decided she would use the potty. She had a couple of accidents in the beginning but what kid doesnt? Addison even got to pick out her own big girl panties! Here's a pic of her:

God has truly blessed us with two beautiful and healthy baby girls and we couldn't be happier. Hopefully I will be able to blog more regularly but who knows :)
Way to go Addy Grace!!! So proud of you!