Friday, May 29, 2009

A Blog Award

A Big THANK YOU to my blogger friends Kimert and Tasha for giving me this award! You two are great moms and I appreciate the award given to me! I now would like to pass this award on to the following blogging mothers:


And also to my non-blogging friends I would like to give this award to:
My mom
Sherry (my mom-in-law)

Love you guys!!

I can't believe my baby is 18 months old

On May 27, 2009 our sweet baby girl, Addison Grace, turned 18 months old! *sniff sniff* I cannot believe how fast the last 18 months have gone by! I can remember just like it was yesterday finding out I was pregnant with her, then seeing her on the ultrasound for the first time, and the day she was born. Its just so scary how fast the time has gone!

Addison has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives that I cannot remember what life was like without her and what we did with ourselves before she came along. She has been a wonderful blessing from the start and I just fall more and more in love with her every day! I thank God so much for letting me be HER mommy! I know He picked her out just for us and we're so blessed!

Ok before I start blubbering all over the keyboard Im gonna post some pics I took of her.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Naptime without the paci

Well the first nap without the paci went better than I expected. Addison got in my lap and I gave her her night night and said ok let's go night night. And she did ask for her paci but I told her we threw it away because she's a big girl now and she cried and whined for about 5 minutes. (Breaking my pregnant hormonal heart too easily lol) Then I decided to let her watch cartoons while she laid on me, thinking she would fall asleep watching them. Nope..didn't happen. So after the cartoon went off I turned the tv all the way down and cuddled her up to me and sang to her and patted her bottom Addison did cry a little bit, maybe 30 seconds, and then she was out in about 3 minutes. So over all it took about 30 minutes to get her to go to sleep, which I thought was pretty good considering that was the first time she was going to sleep without her paci. Normally her naps are around 2 hrs but today was just barely an hour and a half-still good! So lets hope that tonight is a good night but I am prepared for the worst (mentally) just in case!

Bye Bye Paci

As Addison is so quickly approaching the 18 month mark, I decided it was time to say goodbye to her beloved friend, the paci. From day 1 she has loved her paci and would only take a certain kind, of course it was the kind that was hardest to find in stores! But the paci and her blankie (which she calls her "night night") have gone hand in hand since she was about 2 or 3 months old. So parting with such a dear "friend" was probably not going to be easy. All week I prepped her by saying "Ok on Friday we are gonna throw paci away!" And each day I'd say "ok today is monday or tuesday and then what are we gonna do friday? Throw the paci away". The reason I chose Friday was because the Farmer's Almanac listed it as one of the days this month best to ween a child. And Ive had several people tell me that it works so I figured why not?! Won't hurt to try! So last night I told Addison that in the morning we would throw the paci away and we'd go buy her a toy for being such a big girl and that really seemed to excite her! This morning when she woke up I said "Today's Friday so that means we are throwing paci away." And her response was " Toy?!" So my little girl is so smart! So anyways here is the video of Addison throwing a baggie of her paci's in the garbage and some pictures of her rewards for being such a Big Girl!!

Addison saying she's Big Girl!

Addison playing with her Handy Manny toolbox. This is the toy she picked out.

And she also got a new Backyardigans DVD. She LOVES them!!

And as a special lunch treat we ate pizza, which is her absolute FAVORITE! She would eat pizza all day everyday if we would let her!

So now its almost 2 pm and time for her nap. This will be a true test to see how she will do without paci!! I'll let ya know!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our little peanut

Today we went to the doctor and got our first glimpse of our surprise baby! He or she is a very active little booger and danced and wiggled during the entire ultrasound and the tech said "you've got a dancin baby!" So so cute! Here's a pic!

The baby is measuring right on track at 8 weeks 5 days and thus putting my due date December 12th. And the heartbeat is in the 170's. So very strong heartbeat and active baby-we are so thankful and blessed! Addison got to see the baby with us and she didn't really know what to think but she did look at it and say "Baby!" . Seeing this little one's heartbeat for the first time was just as exciting as seeing Addison's for the very first time. And today it became even more real that we are having another baby and what a miracle and blessing this truly is. I am thankful beyond words for what the Lord has done and what He is going to do! What an awesome God we serve!

This is Big Sister Addison holding the pics of her little brother or sister!

8 week update

And as for the 8 week update-im still feeling sick some but I have noticed it is not as much as last week. So HOPEFULLY, fingers crossed, it will soon pass and I can REALLY enjoy being pregnant!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Today's Friday Favorite is simple. Right now this is my favorite cereal and favorite thing to eat!

Now I know that tomorrow this all my change but as of yesterday and today this stuff is just ROCKIN'! Aren't pregnancy hormones fantastic?!? LOL
What was your favorite thing to eat early on in pregnancy??